Prepare yourself for new evolving industries and for research in prestigious organizations with solid foundation in engineering.
4 years (8 semester)
Civil engineering is grand profession-serving humankind throughout the nation. Although civil engineers are often the unsung heroes of modern development, the accomplishment of their profession in building better roads, building, bridges, dams, irrigation systems and many other projects have greatly contributed to the development of society especially in developing country such as Malaysia. Civil engineers are the planners, designers, builders of nation structures and infrastructures. However, they cannot rest on the accomplishments of the past, for the future holds many new challenges for their profession.
Therefore we help the students to be well prepared to compete in job markets beyond national scope. Failure to meet required international standards, as imposed by job qualifications, will not only cause the Study Program to lose its leadership or mislead other institutions in setting quality, but will also cause its graduates to loose job opportunities in the national job market.
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering provides a broad technical education and develops students’ fundamental skills in electrical, electronics and computer engineering. Graduates are expected to be capable of analysing and solving problems in the field of electrical, computer, control, electronics, telecommunications, and power engineering systematically, which are highly qualified to work in the telecommunication industry, information technology industry, and electronics and power industry sector. Electrical and computer engineers design, install and maintain electrical, electronic, telecommunications and computing systems on behalf of government electricity boards and large manufacturing and engineering companies.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering focuses on mechanics, design, materials, manufacturing, thermos fluids, tribology and engineering management. Recognized university that we are advising to you have systematic study program that produce efficient and analytical thinking engineers with strong fundamental engineering competence to analyse and to synthesize mechanical characteristics, to design and plan machines, mechanical device and to manage installations and production of machines.
Our graduates find employment as designers, consultants or project managers in industries associated with the use of natural resources including defence, power generation, sugar refining, oil refineries, mining and manufacturing plants, automotive industries, petroleum and gas, heavy machineries and other institutions.